As a young boy growing up in Denmark I loved when cod roe was in season. My Farmor (grandmother) and I would head out and pick up fresh roe from the local fishmonger. When you get it fresh it is in a embryonic sac and looked pretty weird. When we got home she would then poach it in water until it had set to a firm texture. At that point she would then slice it and fry it up and serve either as a main or sometimes just a open faced sandwich. This recipe is a variation on this. I can’t get fresh roe where I live so I have to settle for canned. So I came up with a sandwich on white bread. Normally it would be served on Danish rye but I prefer the light texture of the toasted bread. It is a quick and easy recipe that be served either for lunch or dinner. I hope you like my take on this classic Danish fish dish.
Ingredients: Open Faced Cod Roe Sandwich.
- 1 can cod roe.
- 12 medium sized button mushrooms. Sliced.
- half a lemon
- 1 tsp (5 gr.) white sugar.
- 2 tbsp (45 gr.) mayo.
- 2 slices toasted french bread.
- Avocado oil and butter for frying.
- Salt and pepper.
Directions for Open Faced Cod Roe Sandwich
- Sautee’ mushrooms oil and butter. Season with salt and pepper. Add Marsala and a pinch of sugar. Set aside. Heat oven to 160F (70 C.) middle rack
- Cut cod roe into slices and place in frying pan. Fry until slightly crisp. Remove from pan and place on wire rack and place in oven to hold.
- Toast French bread slices.
- Lightly butter toast and place two slices of cod roe on toast.
- Squeeze lemon juice over roe.
- Spread mayo over roe.
- Add mushrooms on top. Season with fresh cracked pepper.
- Serve.
I hope you enjoy this dish and if you have any questions please leave a comment below. If you are interested in seeing the process, watch the video above.