Pork Roast isn’t that difficult. Danish Pork Roast with Crackling can be tricky. In a Danish family you will be scored heavily on how good your Crackling is! There are many different ways to make it but this is my method and it works every time. Hope this helps and if you have any questions please ask, happy to help.
Ingredients: Juicy Danish Pork Loin Roast with Crackling.
- 1(4 ribs) Pork loin roast with bone on and skin on. I get the butcher to cut away the bone and then re attach with string. This makes it much easier to carve after.
- Coarse Salt and Pepper.
- I don’t use bay leaves simply because I make the gravy ahead of time.
Directions for Juicy Danish Pork Loin Roast with Crackling.
- Either have your roast scored by your butcher or do it yourself. (see video) Do not cut to the meat, just through the fat.
- Set oven to 350F. (176 C.) lower rack.
- Add course salt and rub into the cracks of the scoring. Then sprinkle coarse pepper on top.
- Place some tin foil under one side of the roast to make the top surface evenly flat in the oven.
- Place on pan with grill in between for 15 minutes in oven to start. (Remember to put 2 cm. (3/4 inch) of water in pan.)
- Lower temp. to 200F. (93 C.) and wait 1 hour. ( I use a probe thermometer and wait until it has reached 140F. (40 C.)
- Raise temp to 425 F ( 218 C.) and baby sit thru window.
- If certain parts of the Crackling are starting to get too brown then cover with a bit of tin foil.
- Wait until you hear and see the crackling “pop”.
- Remove from oven and take cracking off. Cut string holding the bones and remove. Cover roast with foil and let rest 30 at least minutes before carving. This will allow juices to return to the center of the roast.
- Cut and serve.
I hope you enjoy this dish and if you have any questions please leave a comment below. If you are interested in seeing the process, watch the video above.

Recipe Name
Authentic Danish Pork Roast with Crackling
Author Name
Kimbos Comfort Kitchen
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