One of the things I love about potatoes is how many different variations of scallop potatoes there are to make. Potatoes gratinee, Three cheese, Southern style, etc. So versatile, so many flavors. As a child my Mor (mom) used to make scallop potatoes as a treat. Traditionally it is a dish that is not particularly complicated but does require some time. Ergo it was “treat” when we were served at home.Then, when I went to live in France, I discovered Potatoes Duaphinoise. If you are purest there is actually no cheese in it but… over the years and depending on what part of the province you are in most recipes include Gruyere. One particular restaurant also used onions and so I.
The original recipe can take over two hours to complete. This one is almost cut in half with a few changes. Personally I like mine the best, lol. You will note that there is a lot of the cream sauce left over but I take this and make it into a supreme Bechamel sauce for other dishes. It freezes well. As always I hope this makes your life easier in the kitchen. If you have any questions please ask.
Ingredients for: Scallop Potatoes (Dauphinoise)
- 14 medium Yukon gold potatoes (preferred)
- 4 cloves garlic
- 200 gr. Gruyere
- 1 liter heavy cream
- 1 liter whole milk
- 30 gr. butter
- one half fresh nutmeg fine ground.
- 2 medium onions
- 2 bay leaves
- 7 gr. salt and 10 gr. pepper ( I prefer black but the traditional is white)
Directions for Scallop Potatoes (Dauphinoise)
- Fill a large bowl with water to one third full. (enough to cover cut potatoes to keep from browning)
- Melt butter and line the inside of your dish using a brush making sure to do the sides as well.
- Preheat oven to 350F or 76C. (Bake or convection if you have it.)
- Cut potatoes into slices. I prefer to use a mandolin. ( please see video ) Place in tepid water so that it is covered ans will not turn color while you prep the milk and cream mixture
- Pour milk and cream into a large pot. Add chopped garlic, bay leaves, ground nutmeg and salt and pepper. Warm mixture. (below a simmer)
- Remove potato slices and pat dry then place into warm pot.
- Let soak in mixture until the potatoes are just barely poached. ( This cuts down on baking time and gives the potatoes time to absorb all the lovely flavors.
- Using the mandolin, slice onions and sautee until just soft.
- Using a colander, drain the potatoes and hold the sauce in reserve.
- Place potatoes into the dish in layers. Make sure you get the corners.
- After you have placed the first layer down sprinkle some of the onions on top.
- Repeat until two thirds full.
- Sprinkle Gruyere evenly over the top. (hold a little back for the finish)
- Pour reserved sauce into dish until just below first layer. ( I use the left over sauce to make Bechamel while waiting. Awesome byproduct and freezes well!)
- Place in oven middle rack uncovered for 30 minutes.
- Pull from oven and cover with foil.( use oil or spray on the down side of foil to prevent sticking) Place back in oven for another 30 minutes.
- Pull from oven and use the rest of the cheese to sprinkle on top. Place back in oven uncovered for another 30 minutes.
- Remove from oven let rest for at least 20 minutes to let set.
- Any leftovers can be cut into portions, wrapped in film and frozen for up to two months.